0333 240 6122 info@yourtaxrefund.co.uk

HGV driver tax rebate


Are you currently working or have previously worked as a HGV or lorry driver over the past 4 years?


You could be among the millions of HGV drivers to be owed a refund from the taxman!

You can claim for a variety of work-related costs such as licence fees, the cost of passport photographs for your licence, the costs of your Digital Tachograph Drivers’ Card and much more.


Tax refunds for HGV drivers can be over £2,000, so it is worth applying to see if you are eligible. We work on a no refund no fee basis so you have nothing to lose…

Why wait? It’s no refund no fee so you’ve nothing to lose!

For more details apply online now or call 0333 240 6122

What tax refunds are HGV drivers entitled to?


Below are some of the costs you can claim back as a HGV or lorry driver:


  • LGV/HGV licence costs
  • Medical examinations
  • Passport photographs for your licence.
  • Digital Tachograph Drivers’ Card costs
  • Certificate of professional competence
  • Laundering Your own uniform at home
  • Protective clothing such as steel top capped boots, High Visibility vest or jacket.
  • Tools – if you find yourself purchasing tools or equipment for the up keep of your work vehicle such as spanners and strap forks you could claim a tool tax rebate
  • Midday Meal Allowance – If you have to work away from home or have been on the road longer than 8 hours on the road and you can claim tax relief if you have not been reimbursed.
  • If you have to spend nights away from home in the UK or abroad, you may be eligible to claim overnight allowance.


You may also be able to claim back overnight parking costs if you have paid for them yourself.

How many years can I claim for?


You can backdate a HGV tax rebate claim for up to 4 years, and you don’t have to have been working for the same employer for all that time to be eligible to claim.


Why claim through YourTaxRefund.co.uk?

We work on a no refund, no fee basis, so you have nothing to lose for making an application.


Our experienced tax rebate experts will keep you updated at every step and will make your tax rebate claim as easy and hassle-free as possible.


How to claim…

If you think you may be eligible to make a HGV tax rebate claim, simply apply below and we will do the rest…

Why wait? It’s no refund no fee so you’ve nothing to lose!